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幸运召唤师活动官网-Victim of illegal immigrant crime under then

时间:2024-09-20 08:54:44 来源:铁壁铜墙网 作者:娱乐 阅读:583次
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close 'Laughable': Migrant crime survivor calls out VP Harris' soft-on-crime stances as San Francisco DAVideo

'Laughable': Migrant crime survivor calls out VP Harris' soft-on-crime stances as San Francisco DA

Amanda Kiefer, migrant crime survivor, recalls being robbed by an illegal immigrant who was later released under the 'Back on Track' program by then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris.

The victim of a violent attack at the hands of an illegal immigrant in San Francisco, Calif. while Vice President Kamala Harris was district attorney is sounding the alarm on the presidential hopeful's "laughable" crime agenda.


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