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免费单机游戏-Reddit user is outraged over nightclub event in place of wedding 'reception'

时间:2024-09-20 09:03:14 来源:铁壁铜墙网 作者:手游 阅读:321次
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close Jimmy Joins 'Fox & Friends' To Share His Thoughts On The TikTok 'Venmo Mom'Video

Jimmy Joins 'Fox & Friends' To Share His Thoughts On The TikTok 'Venmo Mom'

During an appearance on "Fox & Friends", Jimmy Failla gives his take on a mother in Tennessee who came up with an interesting alternative for volunteering in her kids' classrooms or for their extracurricular activities.

A Reddit user berated a couple getting married for their bizarre plan to host their wedding reception at a nightclub.


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