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侠盗猎车手下载-'The View' co

时间:2024-09-20 08:55:39 来源:铁壁铜墙网 作者:科技 阅读:403次
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close Gov. Chris Sununu clashes with 'The View' co-hosts over VP Harris' rise to the top of the Dem ticketVideo

Gov. Chris Sununu clashes with 'The View' co-hosts over VP Harris' rise to the top of the Dem ticket

Gov. Chris Sununu clashed with the co-hosts of "The View" on Thursday over how Vice President Harris became the likely Democratic nominee for president. 

"The View" co-hosts clashed with Gov. Chris Sununu, R-N.H., over how the Democrats sought to replace President Biden with Vice President Harris on the ticket during an interview on Thursday. 


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